Hungarian Weapons - Fémáru FÉG Pistols

FÉG PMK-380 Pistol

A Walther PPK type aluminum-titanium alloy frame pistol
Manufactured by Fegyver és Gázkészülékgyár ('FÉG'), Budapest, cca 1990-1995
Caliber: ,380acp
171mm [6.7"] long, 100mm [3.9"] barrel
7-rd magazine
Unloaded weight: 540g, loaded: 600g

Design improvements of the Walther PPK by FÉG enginers.

The PMK-380 is the export version of the Hungarian Military PA-63 Pistol, chambering .380acp.

The PMK-380 was manufactured with a blued Titanium-Aluminium alloy frame (steel frames were also reported), and a steel slide. Grips had a thumbrest. Some examples have two-tone finish.

Imported by KBI Inc, Harrisburg, PA, cca 1990-1995.

The serial numbers had a 'BG' prefix and 4-digit numbers.

The legend next to the FEG logo: 'Mod. PMK-380 Made in Hungary'
The PMK model designation is the initials of Paul Martin Kassnar, the father of the importer.

The circled 'M' and the heart-shape circled 'I' are standard Hungarian FEG inspection marks. Two other inspection marks have been obliterated. Other examples do not have these obliterated inspection marks. Also there are no Hungarian acceptance marks.

A different later import FÉG PMK-380 Pistol

The importer was 'Kassnar Imports, Inc, Harrisburg, PA. 17112' cca 2000. This was a new order, the importer changed it's name.

The slide legend (the FEG logo was omitted): 'PMK-380 FEG Budapest Made in Hungary'

Disassembly Instructions

English PA-63 Disassembly Manual


Warning: Keep the safety "on safety" and do not cock the hammer. Take out the magazine and clear the chamber by pulling open the slide and looking in the chamber to be sure it's empty.
Field stripping takes no tools. Do not pry or hammer on this pistol.
With the pistol unloaded, hold the grip firmly in your right hand and put your right index finger along the side of the trigger guard. With your left hand, pull down the trigger guard. When it comes out of the frame, press it sideways with your right index finger to keep it from springing back up into the frame.
With your left hand grab the slide by it's grooves and pull it all the way back until you can lift the back end up, clear of the frame. Ease the slide forward and off the pistol. Be careful not to let go of the slide while you can still feel the spring tension, or it could fly off the pistol and be damaged. Pull the recoil spring off the front of the barrel. No other disassembly is recommended.


Warning: Before you start, check the barrel to be sure there is no cartridge in the chamber.
Put the recoil spring, small end first, on the barrel. Cock the hammer. Pull the trigger guard down out of the frame. (See Disassembly)
Put the slide over the forward end of the recoil spring and pull the slide back onto the barrel all the way until it stops. Then push the rear of the slide down until the grooves inside the slide line up with the rails on the frame. When properly aligned, ease the slide forward and let go of the trigger guard so it goes up into the frame.
Before you load the pistol, move the slide back and forth and check the other functions for proper assembly.

Care and Cleaning

Take out the magazine, open the slide and check the chamber to be sure the pistol is unloaded. Disassemble the pistol as described in the DISASSEMBLY instructions.
A good quality modern gun solvent and gun oil or light household oil are all that is needed to care for this pistol. Wipe all surfaces with a soft cloth or cleaning patch soaked in solvent. Do not try to clean the gun with oil. It will not disolve the residue left by smokeless powder cartridges. Oil very sparingly!
