Hungarian Weapons - Fémáru FÉG Pistols

FÉG PA-63 Army Pistol (Pisztoly 63 Minta - PA 63M)

A Walther PPK type aluminum-titanium alloy frame pistol
Manufactured by Fémáru és Szerszámgépgyár NV, Budapest, 1963-1975
Manufactured by Fegyver és Gázkészülékgyár ('FÉG'), Budapest, 1975-1990
Caliber: 9x18mm Makarov
171mm [6.7"] long, 100mm [3.9"] barrel
7-rd magazine
Unloaded weight: 540g, loaded: 600g

Upon the success of the light weight R-61 Police Pistol the Hungarian People's Army requested a new aluminum alloy framed 9x18mm Makarov chambered pistol to replace their 48.M (Tokarev TT-33) Army Pistols. They also asked for and received a 7-round magazine and a longer, 100mm barrel.

English PA-63 Disassembly Manual

Design improvements of the Walther PPK by FÉG enginers.

The PA-63 was the official Hungarian Army sidearm from 1963 until 1996, chambered for the 9x18mm Makarov cartridge. It was manufactured with a bright-finish Titanium-Aluminium alloy frame (later with blued frame), and a steel slide. Early grips had no thumbrest. Some police and commercial pistols have two-tone finish.
This pistol was replaced by the 9x19mm FÉG P9RC as the Hungarian Army's '96.M' service pistol in 1996.

Typical PA-63 markings are on the left side of the frame, between the trigger and the grip panel. The serial numbers are usually 2 letters and 4 numbers. The circled 'M' and the heart-shape circled 'I' are inspection marks. The small Hungarian crest with the 2-digit date are the acceptance marks. The '7's are a bit weird often look like '1's. Acceptance dates as early as 1947 have been observed on the PA-63's, obviously a few older guns were rebuilt into PA-63's. Note to the collectors: Pistols with dates over 50 years old qualify for C&R (Curio & Relic) FFL.

Several FÉG PA-63 variants has been observed

Variant 1

Imported by Century Arms, VT, cca 1995-2000

Slide legend: 'Cal. 9mm Made in Hungary'

The thumbrest left grip was an upgrade

Standard Hungarian FEG inspection marks and serial numbering.

Variant 2

Imported by PW Arms, Redmond, WA, cca 2000-05

Standard Hungarian FEG inspection marks and serial numbering.

Variant 3

Imported by Tennesse Gun International, Knoxville, TN, cca 1995-2005
Marked in front of the trigger guard
Standard Hungarian FEG inspection marks and serial numbering.

Variant 4

Imported by KBI Inc, Harrisburg, PA, cca 1990-2000

Electropenciled legend believed to be added by KBI

Standard Hungarian FEG inspection marks. Standard serial numbering was abandoned and a 6-digit number with a single letter prefix was used.

Variant 5

A new version of the PA-63 with a more ergonomical grip design was marketed cca. 2005. These were available from US importer, Century Arms.
